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 #prajaAbhilashanetwork#visuramedia #youthmediateam #alternativemedia #GotaGoHome2022 https://fb.watch/elkA6vlSFA/ රනිල් අපේ හඩට සවන් දෙන්න - පරිසර සංවිධාන එකමුතුව . මාධ්‍ය සාකච්ජාව ගෝටා ගෝ ගම ...

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 The concept and practice of Self Sufficient Small Scale Food Producer Units[SSSSFPU] have been introduced to rural women in Polpithigama area with the commitment of Praja Sahayogitha Sansadaya ...

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ඉන්දීය මුහුදු කොල්ලයට දෙන ඇමැති විසඳුම් ගැන NGO විශ්වාසය: උතුරු මුහුදට සහ ධීවර ප්‍රජාවට බලපා ඇති ඉන්දීය ට්‍රෝලර් යාත්‍රා අර්බුදයට විසඳුම් ඉල්ලා සිටිමින්, කොටුව දුම්රියපොළ ඉදිරිපිට විරෝධතාවයේ යෙදුණූ උ ...

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BATTICALOA, DEVELOPMENT, ECONOMY, POLITICS AND GOVERNANCE RUKI FERNANDO AND HERMAN KUMARA on 07/11/2016 Sinhalese tourists visit the underground bunker of LTTE leader Vel ...

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Give our Land Back" This is voice of Panama people. They organized program series to protect and demand their Land rights on 21 of June .Most of people from Jaffna,Mannar,Trincomalee,Killinochchi, ...

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Education on Land rights protection programs were  conducted  on 08 to 10 of June at Panama .Transparency International Sri lanka facilitated the program and organized by NAFSO and Panam ...

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How Ocean pollution affects Humans,How we protect the environment. Exhibition was taken  place from 03 to 05 of June at Prasansaramaya Deyagala.NAFSO Youth unit displace one stole to educated ...

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Media and civil organizations in Sri Lanka staged a protest on 04 of June in front of the Negombo bus stand to protest the Thursday's mob attack on the Convener of the web Journalists Association ...

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Eye opener to mentally warped southern racists

Written By Freedam to the nation resettlement of IDPs on Tuesday, May 19, 2015 | 10:36 PM

Eye opener to mentally warped southern racists : Tamils , Sinhalese , Muslims ,armed forces commemorate those who died in the war in north

(Lanka-e-News- 18.May.2015, 11.30PM) While the JHU and racists were making a huge hue and cry trying to give a mischievous twist  that the functions in commemoration of those who died during the war in the north,  is  a commemoration of the LTTE ,  the northern chief minister Vigneswaran and a group held the commemoration with the participation of not only Tamils  but even the Sinhalase civilians  thereby giving a deadly blow and a  thundering slap in the face of the racists of the South.
The chief minister and political leaders today (18) held the commemoration ceremony in memory of all those who died during the war by lighting oil lamps invoking blessings and peace for their souls. The chief minister emphasized, let their souls if not  their lives rest in peace.
It is significant to note among the photographs displayed  at the commemoration were those of the dead Sinhalese civilians too in the Kebbetigollewa  and Mahakongaskada attacks , serving as an eye opener to the mentally warped Sinhalese of the south blinded and demented by their racism mania .

Vigneswaran’s actions demonstrated to the world that at least in the future , when those who die in the  war is commemorated in the south , as a civilized  tradition the dead Tamil civilians of the north will also be remembered .
During the war a large number of Tamils died , yet the issues of the Tamils in the North had not been resolved. However to elect this government , as the Tamil people extended their support , the Tamil people and  the government should along with international support find a permanent solution , said Vigneswaran speaking in Sinhala (his Sinhala speech is available on tape below) . 
The TNA and several other political parties held the commemoration ceremonies at Mulliwaikal. Mullaitivu without trespassing on the limits set by the court order .
The participation of State minister for Seva Vanitha affairs ,Ms. Shivakala Maheswaran along with the TNA MPs was something specially noteworthy. All of them engaged in various religious ceremonies while lighting oil lamps to invoke blessings on the dead..
Vigneswaran commenting further on the occasion said , the responsibility to stand by the faiths and hopes of the Tamil people was vested in the  government by the Tamil people by voting for it at the elections. Therefore by prolonging the issues of the Tamil people , the citizens of Sri Lanka will only earn disrepute. 
A function was also held at Vavuniya cultural headquarters with the participation of TNA MPs of Wanni district  Shivashakthi Anandan , Selvam Adeikalanathan , and Northern provincial council health minister  P. Sathyalingam .
The minister speaking on the occasion stated, this commemoration was in remembrance of not only the LTTE who died in the war , but  even those of the police , the three  armed forces , Tamils , Muslims and Sinhalese . A large number of parents , relatives and children of those who died in the war were also present at the function.

We should continue our campaign to protect our righrts

DIFSO Mannar conducted district comity today.Village leaders, women leaders, Fisher leaders and Citizen comity leaders participated the meeting .Above discussion was taken from the meeting
*Focus. and involved the Indian trowel issue, Land issue, Villages basic needs and More collaboration with Go and political leaders.
*To continue the discussion with DS and GA to get their rights.
*To get the Capacity training for District comity leaders.

Women district comity

Women district comity of Mannar conducted monthly meeting at district fisher cooperative hall on 18 of May 2015.They have hand overed the petitions to the authorities but still they didn't get profer actions.So they decided to send the letters to authorities again and decided to start continues campaign.
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We got the chance to even remembrance our lovers after 2009.

"We lost our husbands, our relatives and other family members during the war in 2009. Since 2009 we didn't get any justice from.the authorities."
This is voice of the Mannar war affected families.These women remembrance their lovers today at Mannar fisher cooperative hall.

How can we protect our children ?

People of 16 district faced elephant human conflict.Elephant damaged five houses in Thumpalachchlai village in Eraur pathtu divisional secretariat .(Batticoloa District)

We are still fight for our land

Still we landless people .When will we get land for develop our life.This is voice of the Thiraikeni village people.There are 23 families who don't have land , getting together and.prepared a. action plan for one month.

Leadership program

Written By Freedam to the nation resettlement of IDPs on Monday, May 18, 2015 | 11:58 PM

Leadership program was conducted for the citizen commity leaders of five villages of Addalachchnai DS area on 13 of May at Cooperative hall in Addalachchnai.20 leaders joint the workshop.
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Give rights back

People of Asrhfnager organized the meeting with Authorities at their village.52 Family members participated .They highlighted their issues.Then Vice chairmen discussed with the people. How they can support for problems.

Gammadda Sirasa live program

Sirasa television organize the program called 'Gammadda' at Kalpitiya ,Kandakuliya -Munei fisher village at four to six in the afternoon on 12 0f May .Fisher people presented their issues in front of the Political leaders and Other Authorities.More than 500 people participated and Minister and deputy minister of fisheries, and other officers joint to this live program
Fisher minister and Deputy minister   Joint the program 

Government officers,Civil society leaders ,Religious leaders and fishermen and women joint the program    

Pass the 19 th Amendment immediate

Written By Freedam to the nation resettlement of IDPs on Sunday, May 10, 2015 | 9:45 PM

Conducted protest on pass the 19 th amendment at Rajagiriya to close to Parliament on 27 of April .Civil organizations, Religious leaders, political leaders and Public joint to the protest.More than 10000 people participated.
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capacity building workshop on campaign

How to build the nonviolent campaign using the cultural events".We have conducted capacity workshop on 28 and 29 April 2015 at NAFSO Training centre .North and East 16 Animators participated this workshop.Mr .Kithsiri from Australia facilitated this workshop.

conducted strategies development program

Written By Freedam to the nation resettlement of IDPs on Friday, May 8, 2015 | 10:37 AM

NAFSO Family net work organizations is conducting strategies development program at NAFSO Training centre on 05 of May to 07 of May .14 partner organizations joint to the workshop.
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