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 #prajaAbhilashanetwork#visuramedia #youthmediateam #alternativemedia #GotaGoHome2022 https://fb.watch/elkA6vlSFA/ රනිල් අපේ හඩට සවන් දෙන්න - පරිසර සංවිධාන එකමුතුව . මාධ්‍ය සාකච්ජාව ගෝටා ගෝ ගම ...

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 The concept and practice of Self Sufficient Small Scale Food Producer Units[SSSSFPU] have been introduced to rural women in Polpithigama area with the commitment of Praja Sahayogitha Sansadaya ...

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ඉන්දීය මුහුදු කොල්ලයට දෙන ඇමැති විසඳුම් ගැන NGO විශ්වාසය: උතුරු මුහුදට සහ ධීවර ප්‍රජාවට බලපා ඇති ඉන්දීය ට්‍රෝලර් යාත්‍රා අර්බුදයට විසඳුම් ඉල්ලා සිටිමින්, කොටුව දුම්රියපොළ ඉදිරිපිට විරෝධතාවයේ යෙදුණූ උ ...

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BATTICALOA, DEVELOPMENT, ECONOMY, POLITICS AND GOVERNANCE RUKI FERNANDO AND HERMAN KUMARA on 07/11/2016 Sinhalese tourists visit the underground bunker of LTTE leader Vel ...

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Give our Land Back" This is voice of Panama people. They organized program series to protect and demand their Land rights on 21 of June .Most of people from Jaffna,Mannar,Trincomalee,Killinochchi, ...

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Education on Land rights protection programs were  conducted  on 08 to 10 of June at Panama .Transparency International Sri lanka facilitated the program and organized by NAFSO and Panam ...

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How Ocean pollution affects Humans,How we protect the environment. Exhibition was taken  place from 03 to 05 of June at Prasansaramaya Deyagala.NAFSO Youth unit displace one stole to educated ...

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Media and civil organizations in Sri Lanka staged a protest on 04 of June in front of the Negombo bus stand to protest the Thursday's mob attack on the Convener of the web Journalists Association ...

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Written By Freedam to the nation resettlement of IDPs on Thursday, February 28, 2013 | 2:04 AM

rdcmlaI frcSufha taldêm;s .uk wdmiq yerùug cd;Hka;r ls%hdud¾.hl wjYH;dj -bkag¾keIk,a l%hsisia .DDma jd¾;dj yd ks¾foaY
wdishdkq jd¾;d wxl 243 $ 20-fmnrjdß-2013 - úOdhl idrdxYh iy ks¾foaY
^,xld B ksõia -2013'fmn'24" m'j'11'30&

-cd;Hka;r w¾nqo lKavdhu ^bkag¾keIk,a l%hsisia .DDma& úiska ksl=;a l< jd¾;dfõ úOdhl idrdxYh iy ks¾foaYhkaf.a isxy, mßj¾:kh-

wêlrK moaO;shg yd foaYmd,k úiïuq;shg tfrys wdKavqfõ m%ydrhka Y%S ,xldfõ taldêm;sjd§ yerjqu fõ.j;a lrwe;s w;r" È.=ld,Sk ia:djr Ndjhg yd iduhg o ;¾ck t,a,lr ;sfí' w.%úksYaphldrjßh iïnkaO wdKavqfõ foaYmd,k wNsm%dhlska hqla; fodaYdNsfhda.h úiska úreoaO u; oeÍu fkdbjik wdKavqfõ iajNdjh fia u foaYmd,k úmlaIfha ÿn,;ajh o úoyd olajhs' úOdhlh u; jQ wjidk wdh;k.; ixjrK l%shdj,sh n,rys; lsÍu u.ska ksoyia yd idOdrK ue;sjrK l%shdoduhla yryd iduldó foaYmd,k n, udrejla ms<sn| jQ wfmalaIdjka ;¾ckhg ,lalrk w¨;a" Nhdkl N+ñNd.hlg wdKavqj wj;S¾K jkakg isà' kS;sfha wdêm;Hh h<s ia:dms; lsÍu i|yd ld,rduqjla iys; ixhqla; jevms<sfj<lg wu;rj wdKavqfõ yuqodjka iy fou< B,dï úuqla;s fldá ixúOdkh ^t,aààB& úiska isÿlrk ,o udkj ysñlï W,a,x>kh lsÍï iy fpdaÈ; hqo wmrdO mÍlaId lsÍu" W;=re kef.kysr fou< iy uqia,sï m<d;aj,g n,h fnodyeÍu hk ldrKd iïnkaOfhka fmdÿ rdcH uKav, l%shdldÍ wud;H lKavdhfï WmfoaYkhg iy tlai;a cd;Ska f.a udkj ysñlï ljqkais,fha kj fhdackdjlg Y%S ,xldj fhduqlsÍfï Yla;su;a cd;Hka;r ls%hdud¾.hla wdrïN úh hq;=j ;sfí'

md,kh iïnkaO b;d u krl iy tlsfklg iïnkaO jQ w¾nqohka follg Y%S ,xldj uqyqK md isà' úOdhl iy ñ,gß n,h ;=,kh lrk iajdëk wêlrKh yd wfkl=;a m%cd;ka;%Sh wdh;k wvmk lsÍu úiska n,h fnodyeÍu ls%hd;aul fkdlsÍfï yd iq¿ cd;Skaf.a whs;sjdislï fkd§ yeÍfï m%;sM, jYfhka j¾Okh jk ckjd¾.sl wd;;sh ksielj u fmdaIKh lrkjd we;' ixys¢hdj yd j.ùu iïnkaO 2012 ud¾;= udkj ysñlï ljqkais,fha fhdackdj ls%hd;aul lsÍu rdcmlaI wdKavqj m%;slafIam lsÍu úiska fï w¾nqo fol u ;j ;j;a ne?reï lrkq ,en we;' udkj ysñlï ljqkais,fha o m%Odk b,a,Sula jQ W.;a mdvï yd m%;sikaOdk fldñifï fndfyda ks¾foaYhka ls%hd;aul l< njg wdKavqj m%ldY l<;a" fndfyda ;SrKd;aul úIhhka iïnkaOfhka ienúka u lsisÿ w¾:j;a j¾Okhla ke;'

• hqo wmrdO iïnkaO fpdaokd" w;=reoykaùï fyda wfkl=;a nrm;, udkj ysñlï W,a,x>khlsÍï iïnkaOfhka" wdKavqj lsisÿ ms<s.; yels mÍlaIKhla mj;ajd ke;'

• úu¾IKh iy wëlaIKh i|yd iajdëk wdh;k ia:dms; lrkjd fjkqjg" wdKavqj w.%úksYapldrjßhg tfrys fodaYdNsfhda.h Tiafia we;a; jYfhka u isÿlf<a wêlrK iajdëk;ajfha wjidk jYfhka b;sßj ;snQ fldgia o bj;alr oeóu hs'

• n,h fnodyeÍu Tiafia cd;sl;aj w¾nqohg l,a mj;akd iy idOdrK jHjia:duh úi÷ula we;slr.ekSu Wfoid jQ l%shdud¾.hl lsisÿ ÈhqKqjla fkdue;'

• isú,a mßmd,kh ìh.kajñka yd fkd;ld yßñka yuqod wxY ;ju;a W;=f¾ ckhdf.a Ôú;j, ish¨ lghq;= mdfya md,kh lrhs'

• ikakoaO yuqod È.ska È.g u bvï w;am;a lr.ekSfï kshe,S isák w;r;=r M,odhS f,i wNshdhpkd lsÍfï whs;sjdislula yd bvï wdrjq,a úi£u i|yd idOdrK ls%hdud¾.hla o ke;sj W;=re iy kef.kysr 90 000la muK ckhd ;ju;a wj;ekaj isáhs'

• wdKavqfõ wdrlaIl yuqod W;=f¾ iduldó úfrdaO;djka u¾okh lr" t,aà à B ixúOdkh iu. jevlsÍu kï .eg¿ iy.; fpdaokdj u; isiqka w;a wvx.=fõ ;nd.;a w;r fou< foaYmd,k{hkag tfrys ysxid l%shd lrk ,§'

• uE;l § fodaIdNsfhda. l%shdj,shg hg;al< w.%úksYaphldrjßh iy wef.a wdOdrlrejka fY%aIaGdêlrK ixlS¾Khg meñKSu je<elaùu i|yd ikakoaO Nghka fhdojñka wdKavqj ol=fKa§ o úfrdaO;djhg yd úiïuq;sl woyiaj,g n,h fhdoñka m%;spdr oelajQfha wdKavqjg mlaImd;S lKavdhï fodaIdNsfhda.hg úfrdaOh oelajQ kS;S{hkag m%ydr t,a,lroa§ h'

isú,a hqoaOfha wjika jirj, isg u úYaf,aIlhka yd wdKavqfõ úfõplhka Y%S ,xldfõ j¾Okh fjñka wd taldêm;s;ajh ms<sn| wk;=re weÕjQj;a" miq.sh jir mqrd we;sjQ j¾Okhka úiska ;;a;ajh ;j;a krl w;g yrjkq ,en we;' wêlrK ksfhda.hka o" fmr fkdÿgq úrE isú,a iudcfha úfrdaOhka yd nrm;, cd;Hka;r wjOdkh o tfia u ;sìh§ mjd" fodaIdNsfhda.h n,mEï u.ska ls%hd;aul lrjd.ekSug ;snQ ckdêm;sjrhd f.a wNsm%dh yd yelshdj Tyq f.a wêm;sOdÍ foaYmd,k wdia:dkh ikd: lrhs' 2010 iema;eïnrfha § ckdêm;s OQrh oeÍfï jdr .Kkg meje;s iSudjka yd wdKavqj kshdukh lsÍu i|yd msysgjQ iajdëk wdh;k bj;alsÍfï 18 jeks jHjia:d ixfYdaOkh;a iu. we/ô zjHjia:duh n,.%yKhZ fuu ls%hdkaú;h;a iu.ska mßmQ¾K lefrhs' rfÜ wNHka;r úpdrlhkag" Tjqka f.a úu;sl woyia fkdreiakd njg tu.ska meyeÈ<s mKsjqvhla ,nd§ we;'

fuu n, iïmsKavkh ia:sridr iduhla i|yd we;s wjia:djkag wl=,a fy<k ls%hdj,Skag u.mdokjd we;' ckdêm;sjrhd iy Tyqf.a jvd;a n,iïmkak ifydaorhka fofokd - wdrlaIl wud;HdxY f,alï f.daGdnh yd wd¾:sl ixj¾Ok weue;s neis,a - oekgu;a b;d wvq n,hla iys; m<d;aiNd ;j ÿrg;a ÿ¾j, lsÍug fyda wj,x.= lsÍug we;s ish leue;a; wÕjd we;' uOHu wdKavqj iy fou< l;d lrk W;=re iy kef.kysr m<d;a w;r w¾:dkaú; n,h fnod .ekSulg ;ukaf.a we;s miñ;=re;dj wdKavqj újD;ju fmfkkakg i<iajk w;r;=r W;=re m<d; ;=< yuqod fmrgq fldg.;a foaYmd,k iy wd¾:sl mßj¾:k u.ska fou< ckhdf.a wkkH;dj iy foaYmd,k n,h l%udkql+,j ì| ouñka ;sfí'

rKldó fn!oaOhka úiska uqia,sï wd.ñl ia:dkj,g yd Tjqkag wh;a jHdmdr ia:dkj,g t,a,lrk m%ydrj, yÈis jeäùula o uE; udij, § olakd ,§' fuu m%ydrhka wffO¾hu;a lsÍug wdKavqj lghq;= lr we;af;a hka;ñks' fujeks m%fldamlsÍï È.ska È.gu isÿjqjfyd;a Y%S ,dxflah uqia,sïjreka f.a n,j;a ixhuh nrm;, f,i mÍlaIdjg Ndckh jkakg bv we;' widOdrK fia olakd ,o rdcH n,hg tfrys m%pKavldÍ úfrdaOh mEï ms<sn| rfÜ b;sydih i<lk l," taldêldÍ;ajhla lrd jk m%jK;dj wjidkfha foaYmd,k m%pKav;ajh me;sÍfï wjodku muKla jeälrkq we;'

ish m%cd;ka;%jdoh wdrlaId lr.ekSu Wfoid igkajeÿKq Y%S ,xldfõ ish¨ cd;sl;ajhka" jvd Yla;su;a cd;Hka;r iyfhda.hla ,eîug iqÿiafida fj;s' udkj ysñlï ljqkais,fha 2012 fhdackdj b;d jeo.;a m<uq mshjrla jqj;a" ;j;a fndfyda foa l< hq;=j we;' fuu lghq;a;" jrog o`vqjï fkd,en isàfï yelshdj wjika lrk iy kS;sfha md,kh h<s msysgqjk" ia:sridr m%;sixialrKhka i|yd ksielj u n,lefrk" Yla;su;a udkj ysñlï ljqkais, fhdackdjlska 2013 ud¾;=fõ § wdrïN l< hq;=j we;' ;jo whs;Ska W,a,x>kh lsÍï wëlaIKh lsÍug yd hqoaOfha wjika udij, § fomd¾Yajh úiskau isÿlrk ,o hqo wmrdO ms<sn| úYajdikSh fpdaokdjka úu¾YKh lsÍug;a udkj ysñlï ms<sn| uy flduidßia ld¾hd,hg n,h mejßh hq;= w;r yelshdjla we;s ;ekays §" wod< j.lsjhq;= mqoa.,hka y÷kd.ekSug o l%shd l< hq;= h'

fmdÿ rdcH uKav, uy f,alïjrhd úêu;a f,i fmdÿrdcH uKav, wud;Hjreka f.a l%shdldÍ lKavdhu fj; Y%S ,xldj fhduq l< hq;= w;r wêlrKfha iajdëk;ajh h<s ia:dms; lsÍug wjYH m%udKj;a mshjrhka .ekSug tu lñgqj Y%S ,xld wdKavqjg n,l< hq;= h'
Tjqka th m%;slafIam lrkafka kï oekg fld<U § meje;aùug ie,iqï lrwe;s 2013 fkdjeïn¾ rdcH kdhl yuqj fmdÿ rdcH uKav,h úiska fjk;a ia:dkhlg udrel< hq;= h' tfia ke;fyd;a wju jYfhka Bg iyNd.Sjk rgj,a ish ksfhdað;hkaf.a ;;a;ajh my; fy<Sug lghq;= l< hq;= h'

Y%S ,xldj iu. il%sh ne£ï we;s ish¨ rdcHhka iy nyqmd¾Yùh wdh;k" ish t<eUqï .ek h<s is;dne,sh hq;= w;r fld<U wdKavqfõ .eUqre fjñka iy Nhdkl fjñka hk taldêm;sjd§ keUqrej u; ;nd ish jHdmD;Ska iudf,dapkhlg ,lal< hq;= h' fuhg wka;¾ yuqod in|;djka fuka u tlai;a cd;Ska f.a ixúOdkh" f,dal nexl=j" wdishdkq ixj¾Ok nexl=j yd cd;Hka;r uQ,H wruqo, o we;=<;a j lrf.k hkq ,nk oaúmd¾Yùh yd nyqmd¾Yùh ixj¾Ok wdOdrhka o we;=<;a úh hq;= h'
• Y%S ,xld wdKavqjg-
1 ish¨ ck jd¾.sl lKavdhï ksfhdackh jk mßÈ" úmlaIfha foaYmd,k mlaI iy iajdëk isú,a ixúOdk we;=<;a jk ls%hdj,shla Tiafia hymd,kh" kS;sfha wdêm;Hh" j.ùu" n,h fnodyeÍu iy m%;sikaOdkhg wod< t,at,awd¾iS jd¾;dfõ m%Odk ks¾foaYhka ls%hd;aul lsÍu o we;=<;a j" j;auka iy wkd.; udkj ysñlï ljqkais, fhdackd ms<smeÈh hq;= h''

2 t,at,awd¾iS jd¾;dj isxy, yd fou< NdIdj,ska iïmQ¾Kfhka m<lrñka o" ks, W;aij wjia:dj, § cd;sl .Sh fouf<ka .ehSug;a" ish¨ m%cdjkag wh;a ñh.sh yd mSvdjg m;ajQ isú,a jeishkag f.!rj oelaùu Wfoid m%isoaO ieureï meje;aùug wjir foñka o" w¾:dkaú; m%;sikaOdk ls%hdj,shla fmdaIKh l< hq;= h'

• udkj ysñlï ljqkais,hg-
3 Y%S ,xldj iïnkaOfhka my; i|yka ldrKd wvx.= Yla;su;a kj fhdackdjla ish 22jeks ieisjdrfha § iïu; lr.ekSu' tajd kï(

w& t,a't,a'wd¾'iS jd¾;dfõ b;du jeo.;a ks¾foaYhka ls%hdfõ fhoùug wiu;a ùfuka yd cd;Hka;r udkqIsl kS;sh nrm;, f,i W,a,x>kh lsÍï ms<sn| úYajdi lghq;= fpdaokd úu¾IKh lsÍu m%;slafIam lsÍfuka o" l,ska fhdackdjg wjk; ùu m%;slafIam lsÍfï wdKavqfõ ls%hd ms<sfj; meyeÈ<sj i|yka lsÍu'

wd& wdKavqj t<efUk j¾Ih ;=< § wksjd¾hfhka u .;hq;= ksYaÑ; ls%hdud¾. úia;r lsÍu'

we& cd;Hka;r udkqIsl kS;sh W,a,x>kh lsÍu ms<sn| úYajdi lghq;= fpdaokd iïnkaOfhka iajdëk mÍlaIKhla mj;ajkakehs wdKavqfjka b,a,d isàu'

we& úYajdikSh idlaIs iys; ;ks mqoa.,hka .ek ,hsia;=jla ieliqu;a we;=<;aj úu¾IK lghq;= Ndr.ksñka o" hqoaOfha wjika udij, isÿl<ehs fpdaokd t,a, ù ;sfnk udkj ysñlï lvlsÍï iïnkaOfhka WÑ; ks¾foaYhka bÈßm;a lrñka o" fhdackdj ls%hdjg ke.Sfï m%.;sh iy lsishï W,a,x>khka isÿfõkï tajd o udkj ysñlï ljqkais,hg jd¾;d lsÍfï j.lSu udkj ysñlï ms<sn| uyflduidßia ld¾hd,hg mejÍu'

wE& Y%S ,xldjg f.dia lreKq fidhd n,kake hs m%isoaêfha b,a,Sï fldg ;sfnk tlai;a cd;Skaf.a úfYaI ksfhdað;hskag ,xldjg wdrdOkd lsÍu i|yd wdKavqj Èßu;a lsÍu iy cd;Hka;r hq;=lï flfrys rfÜ wkq.;Ndjh ms<sn| taldnoaO jd¾;djla ms<sfh, lrkakehs Tjqkaf.ka b,a,d isàu'

• fmdÿ rdcH uKav,Sh f,alï ld¾hd,hg iy tys idudðl rdcHhkag(
4 wêlrKfha iajdëk;ajh m%;sia:dmkh lsÍu i|yd wdKavqj m%udKj;a mshjrhka .;hq;= nj wjOdrKh lrñka ta i|yd wju jYfhka my; i|yka lreKq ls%hd;aul l<hq;= hehs wjOdrKh lrkq msKsi Y%S ,xldj fmdÿrdcH uKav,Sh wud;Hjreka f.a ls%hdldÍ lKavdhu fj; fhduql< hq;=h'

w& wvqfjka foaYmd,kSlrKh jQ l%uhlska úksYaphldrjreka f;dard.ekSu iy;sl lrkq jia oywg jeks jHjia:d ixfYdaOkfhka wfydais lrk ,o" l,ska meje;s jHjia:duh m%;smdok m%;sia:dmkh lsÍu

wd& fcHIaG úksYaphldrjreka bj;a lsÍu wrnhd oekg ;sfnk md¾,sfïka;= m%;smdok fjkia lrñka" tajd cd;Hka;r m%ñ;Ska yd iu uÜgulg f.k tau iy

we& w.%úksYaphldr OQrfha ks,ld,h jir ;=klg iSudlsÍfï wdKavqfõ ie,iqï w;ayer oeóu'

5 fuu fjkialï isÿlsÍug wdKavqj wiu;a jkafka kï" 2013 fkdjeïnrfha § fld<U meje;aùug kshñ; rdcH kdhl iuq¿j fjk;a ;eklg udre lsÍu' tfia;a ke;skï tys ksfhdackh" wud;Hjreka f.a ;;a;ajh olajd my; fy<Su'

• tlai;a cd;Ska f.a uy f,alïjrhdg(
6 cd;Hka;r kS;s W,a,x>kh ù we;ehs t,a,ù we;s fpdaokd iïnkaOfhka ;ukag tlai;a cd;Ska f.a m%{ma;sfha 99 jeks fþoh u.ska ,eî we;s n,h mdúÉÑ lrñka úu¾IK fldñiula m;alrkak' udkj ysñlï ljqkais,h tfia lsÍu m%;slafIam lrkafka kï tu úu¾IKhka udkj ysñlï ms<sn| uyflduidßia ld¾hd,h hg;g mejÍu'

7 Y%S ,xld wdKavqj idOkSh wNHka;r j.ùfï ls%hdj,shla mj;ajdf.k hkafkaoehs wëlaIKh lsÍfï yd tys m%udKh ;lafiare lsÍfï hdka;%Khla ia:dms; lsÍu'

tlai;a cd;Ska f.a uyf,alï ld¾hd,hg" Y%S ,xldj iïnkaOfhka lghq;= lrkakd jQ lKavdhug iy Y%S ,xldj ;=< isákd ksfhdað;dh;khkag(
8 YS% ,xldfjka neyerj yd rg ;=< isákakd jQ j;auka yd w;S; udkqIsh fiajd imhkakkaf.a wdrlaIdj ms<sn| wjYH;d ljf¾oehs fidhd n,kakd jQ iólaIKhla o we;=,;a jk mßÈ udkj ysñlï wdrlaIKh jvd fyd¢ka wkql,kh l< yelafla ljr ;ekays o@ flfia o@ hkak msßlaid n,kq jia ish¿ jevigyka wdjrKh jk wdldrh zudkj ysñlï ú.KkhlaZ YS% ,xldj iïnkaOfhka lghq;= lrk lKavdhfï kdhl;ajh hgf;a" meje;aùu'

9 idu idOk ls%hdkaú;hka i|yd Y%S ,xldfõ odhl;ajh iudf,dapkh lsÍu' tfia u hqo wmrdO fpdaokd iïnkaOfhka úYajikSh úu¾YKhka isÿlrk ;=re yd kvq mejÍï ls%hdjg k.k ;=re Tjqka f.a iyNd.S;ajh m%;slafIam lsÍu'

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20 fmnrjdß 2013

Formed district Focus group meeting in JAFFNA

Written By Freedam to the nation resettlement of IDPs on Sunday, February 24, 2013 | 2:05 AM

Focus Group meeting in Jaffna
Date. 01/ 02/2013
Filed officer and Volunteers--- 01+02
From Secretariat  -W.F.priyankara costa, A.Jesudasan ,P.Laksiri Fernando  and Lavina Hasanthi
 Content of the discussion
*Brief evaluation of the last year activities in each villages /Camps.
*Review the Camps information.
*Identify Main objectives for 2013.
*Select the New office buries for the FGD meeting
Highlight issues for the 2013
*Fight for getting our own land.
*Continue the campaign on Indu  Srilanka  trawler issue.
*To get the program for the livelihood and other basic facilities for the WHF and other poor families from the Government.
Decision that they have taken
*Strengthen the Focus Group Discussion meeting and District level organization.
*To build the wider net work among the IDP CAMPS in the District.
*To build the motivation to change the leaders   the Village and district level advocacy campaign.
*To Strengthen the GO, NGO, PO, Religious collaboration 

Finally they select they leaders for the 2013  


Written By Freedam to the nation resettlement of IDPs on Tuesday, February 19, 2013 | 10:44 PM

Sri Lanka to present bill to extend term of Resettlement Authority 
Fri, Feb 15, 2013, 11:30 am SL Time, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.
Feb 15, Colombo: The Sri Lankan government will present in parliament an amendment bill seeking to extend the term of the authority responsible for resettlement of displaced people.
The government received approval from the Cabinet of ministers yesterday to present the draft bill prepared by the Legal Draftsman to extend the period of the Resettlement Authority Act of 2007 for another three years after April 10, 2013.
The Resettlement Authority under the Ministry of Resettlement had a fixed term of six years and its term was due to expire on April 10, 2013.
Minister of Resettlement Gunaratne Weerakoon submitted the proposal to the Cabinet to present the draft Bill to parliament.
According to the Secretary to the Resettlement Ministry, the decision to extend the term was taken despite the closure of the Manik Farm camp after successfully relocating most of the 300,000 displace people at the end of the war in May 2009, since there are still pockets of displaced people in the country that need to be resettled.

View of CSOs
Government said to the media that their was no any IDPs in Sri lanka , but civil organizations  Challenge   the authorities that people are still in the camps and some of them  are only relocated without getting any basic assistance.So government force to extend the resettlement authority.How ever it has happened now.    


* Sri Lanka to resolve land dispute in North and East immediately
Mon, Feb 18, 2013, 07:53 pm SL Time, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.
Feb 18, Colombo: Sri Lanka Ministry of Land and Land Development says that it will resolve the dispute arisen due to the occupation of civilian lands for military establishments immediately.
Accordingly, the Ministry has started a study on the land in the High Security Zones of Northern and Eastern Provinces.
The civilians who resided in the lands now taken under High Security Zones have been asked to submit their proof to the ownership of lands to the Divisional Secretaries of the area, the Ministry said.
These lands were acquired by Sri Lanka Army for High Security Zones and the Ministry of Land and Land Development says that the land that is needed to be retained will be acquired and the owners will be compensated.
United Opposition of Sri Lanka recently launched a protest demonstration in Jaffna demanding the return of these lands to their original owners.
The Lesson Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC) has recommended the government to review the existing High Security Zones, as well as small extents of private land currently utilized for security purposes, with a view to release more land while keeping national security needs in perspective.
It recommended provision of alternate lands and or payment of compensation within a specific time frame if the government occupied lands cannot be released to the owners.

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