Participation .24[M-04, F-20]
Date- 18/ 03/13
They have 29 members for their village meeting .Every month they conducted the meeting and they started saying among the group.
focusing issues are
*To get their basic rights from the government
[Land,House,Toilets,Roads,Electricity,Education and Health ]
*Protecting the Human rights
*Environmental protection.
*Disaster management.
*Start the media campaign
*Support for the Livelihood from the GO and NGOs
*Protection the WHFs rights.
Valikakandi village
Participation-18[M-09,F-09] 19[M-14,F-20]
Due to heavy raining in 03 months, all the roads and farming land distorted.In
the same time more than 100 Elephants inter their village .So reaming
vegetables,paddy , banana and temporary houses were damaged by the
Elephants.So these people complained to the Authorities but still they
didn't get any result .So they decided to conduct the protest in front
of the District Secretariat.So all they village leaders get together 19
th morning at the Kovil and they decided to do it 20 th March.
Kithual village
Participation .11[M-, F-11]
Date- 18/ 03/13
They have 30 members for their village meeting .Every month they conducted the meeting and they started saying among the group.
focusing issues are
*Participate the development activities which are conducted by the GO
*Protecting the Human rights
*They are also facing the elephant human conflict issue.
*Support for the Livelihood from the GO and NGOs
*Protection the WHFs rights.
Urugamam village
Participation .30[M-02, F-28]
Date- 18/ 03/13
They have 40 members for their village meeting . Fifth of Every month they conducted the meeting and they started saying among the group.
focusing issues are
*Participate the development activities which are conducted by the GO
*Protecting the Human rights.
*Support for the Livelihood from the GO and NGOs
*Protection the WHFs rights.
Thunpalachcholi village
Participation .18[, F-18]
Date- 18/ 03/13
have 27 members for their village meeting . Every month they
conducted the meeting and they started saying among the group.Most of them are labours .So women go abroad for the employment.
*To get their basic rights from the government.
*Participate the development activities which are conducted by the GO
*Protecting the Human rights.
*To find their disappearance relatives
*Support for the Livelihood from the GO and NGOs
*Protection the WHFs rights.
Common discussion in all the villages
*Present livelihood condition and what can they do for the livelihood promotion.
-Animal husbandry,Home garden ,Sowing ,Small shops,food items .They ask the support to develop these income generation projects.
*Most of them ask the human right training and Education on the LLRC recommendations.
*They ask the support to strengthen the Gandi forum for the common actions
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